Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is the Emergent Church Movement coming to an end?

Some bloggers within the Emergent Church movement are reporting that the Emergent Movement is dying and will soon go the way of the Dodo bird. Rumor has it that one of the main publishing houses is planning on phasing out the Emergent label from their line-up. If this is Zondervan Publishing (owned by Harper Collins) and is true, it will cause a huge blow to the Emergent Church movement's marketing effort. There is already an effort underway to change the "Emergent Church Movement" label because of it's over use and the growing negative connotation it carries. Much of this is caused by the controversial and sometimes heretical views expressed by it's leading voices.

I would not be too quick to count them out. False teachers attacking Christian Orthodoxy have always had a way of reinventing themselves and are forever morphing into something else. I seriously doubt we have seen the end of the Emergent Church Movement. We must stay vigil and be prepared to defend the truth and preeminence of the Bible. These movements only gain a toe hold when the Bible is relegated to something less then the only authority in all matters of faith and practice for the Church. Contrary to what skeptics and false teachers would say, the bible is not subject to personal or subjective interpretation! There are basic literary principles by which we interpret the Bible. When these basic reading principles are followed, the vast majority of essential doctrine becomes clear and incontrovertible. It is important to remember, thousands were martyred, giving their lives in defense of the truth and orthodoxy of the Bible. I am not ready to dismiss it so easily and neither should you!

2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
